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Sanrakun Kano

He is a Kano school’s painter from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the early Edo period. Born in Gamo-gun, Omi Province, as a child of Nagamitsu Kimura, Nagamasa Asai’s vassal. His mother is Mr. Masuda in folklore. Later Hayashi Gahō wrote, “Is it a descendant of Mr. Sasaki?” His father, Nagamitsu, was learning painting from Motonobu Kano as an extra skill. During the Tensho era, he participated in the production of the Azuchi Castle barrier painting and the Shochikachoin Imperial Palace barrier painting (currently Nanzenji Honbo Ogatajo barrier painting). When Eitoku collapsed due to illness during the production of the ceiling painting of the Tofukuji temple, Sanraku took over and completed it.

Introduction of main works

Dragon & Tiger figure

Product Name

Dragon & Tiger figure

Mainly used jewelry


・ Zirconia

・ Jade

・ Carnelian



・ Amazonite

・ Carnelian




・ Jadeite

・ Zirconia




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